Now, you may have a question “What is fresh fish?”
Everyone in the marketing and sale of fish claim ‘We deliver only fresh fish’, and we are trying to tell you when we say a fish is fresh. A fish is fresh only if fish is being caught and delivered immediately to customers without any time lagging than accepted limit.
Freshness of fish depends on various factors. One main factor is, time taken by fishermen, who went for fishing, to come back with their procured fishes. The time will varies according to the fishing types they prefer, i.e., In Kerala coast fishermen went for traditional fishing in country craft, which normally takes 7-8hrs to large motorised boats and vessels which takes 30 days or more to come back with their procurement. People believe that the fishes which are not frozen/ chilled are fresh fish. But it’s not. Being a perishable commodity, during transportation, it should be maintained at proper temperature of 0-50c to prevent bacterial decomposition after fish is being caught. Now days the conditions gone worse, the sellers whether retailers or wholesalers began to use chemicals like formalin and ammonia to increase its shell life and is very hazardous to the health of consumers and their the customers’ demands the need of Matsyafed chemical free, tasty and healthy fish and fishery products, we consider your demands and decided to start our new advanced delivery services for building a healthy generations to be a backbone of our country.
“If you wish to lead a healthy life rely on Matsyafed fish and fishery products
And we deliver what you really want”
“Till for how many hours we can call this chilled fish a Fresh fish?”
Fish being delivered, from quay to the doorsteps, is not more than 48 hours then the fish can be called “Fresh Fish”. Matsyafed has the facilities to collect fish from fish from landing centres immediately after procurement from traditional fishermen and able to deliver it to customers within 30 hours after procurement. So our Freshmeen products are really Fresh, we really mean it.
Why Matsyafed’s Freshmeen?
Freshmeen is an online e-marketing website owned and managed by Matsyafed Kerala State Co-operative Federation for Fisheries Development Limited. It is an Apex federation of 652 primary level fishermen development welfare co-operative societies whose developmental activities extends from marine district Trivandrum in the east to northern district Kasargod and inland district Kottayam. All members of our co-operatives are traditional fishermen. They went for fishing and return back within short time with their country crafts. Matsyafed procure the fish immediately from fishermen and deliver to the door step step of our pride customers without losing its freshness and quality.
Matsyafed comes under fisheries department, had kick-off its activities in 1984 and since then to till date we worked with utmost dedication and truthfulness worked for the welfare and development of fishermen without consider the profit. We have a plethora of dedicated technically qualified staff with a deep knowledge in fishing sector; no other organization in Kerala can assert the heritage held by Matsyafed through the day & night continuous 34 years of activities.
Proper technique of icing is another factor which helps to maintain the freshness of fish during transportation till they reach the landing centres and customers. Is anyone aware of the quality of ice used for chilling? Matsyafed owned flake ice units and we will always ensure the quality of ice used for icing. We also have sufficient lab facility with well versed staff to technically check the quality of the products we deliver and collect.
Apart from the fresh products, we have many others frozen and value added products i.e,ready to eat and ready to cook items. The ice and freezing plant owned and managed by Matsyafed follows European Union standards and has various certification and licence for exporting and to delivery eatable products.
In this world of technology Matsyafed has many technology oriented facilities to collect fish from all the landing centers in almost all marine districts immediately without any lagging after being caught and will try to deliver the customers the fresh products from the nearest landing centers itself. Fish procured from traditional fishermen who went for fishing in country crafts in the morning and came back afternoon will reach the customers on the same day or next day morning before 10 itself. And the fish collected from those who went for fishing at night and come back in early morning will be delivered on the same day and we never stock an inventory of fresh fish for long time. Matsyafed promises the customers in delivery of quality products.
“If you care ,you dare eat, Matysafed fish and fishery productsand tingles all your taste buds”